Sunday, February 19, 2012

First Chapter Gets Third Place

The first chapter of my novel about the soccer-coaching grandpa has won third place in the Kansas Writers Association. That should mean something. Got a boatload of red marks from the judge, including some unforgivable typographical errors. If my submission had been perfect, would I have gotten a higher prize?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Still Bemused

And still have no answers as to why I saw the Ghostbusters vehicle in downtown Olathe recently. Going west on Loula Street.

Ivan, at the Thursday coffee group, says there is a guy in town, who lives not too far from where I saw the Ghostbusters vehicle, whose hobby (business?) is making duplicates of vehicles that have been seen in the movies. Maybe what I saw was one of his products. Rick says he knows which house Ivan is talking about and will show me some day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Harry? FDR?

I love my badge of Bill Murray as FDR.

But I can't believe the reaction when other people look at the badge. Either they are completely puzzled, or they frown and say, "Truman?"

It's amazing and amusing, Harry Truman being the president who immediately followed Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They don't mistake FDR for Eisenhower, or Nixon or or the one who kept hitting people with his golf balls or JFK or LBJ, it's only Truman

Me, the Badge Lady

No, I don’t have a badge-maker, but I know where I can borrow one, in another state. The owner of the badge-maker (I’ll leave you to determine why anyone would want to have their own personal badge-maker) says he can make three badges a minute while watching television. As you might surmise, the badges he makes are mostly the same design. When I make badges for him, I make whatever he has designed.

But that gets boring, always the same design, so for fun, I make badges for myself from images I find of my facebook friends. If your picture is not on facebook, I PROBABLY will not be able to make a badge for you. I’ve made badges of people who are in my writing group. I made one badge of a writing colleague, and then she posted a different photograph, this time of her posed in front of a tiny little mechanical typewriter, so I made another badge of her, this one focused on her hands over the typewriter.

I’ve made lots of badges of Bill Murray, and often wear one on my lapel. You see, I’m desperate to have lunch with Bill Murray some time and hope that this six degrees of separation thing will work in my favor some time and I’ll actually be sharing a grilled cheese sandwich with Bill.